Saturday, January 26, 2008

Librarian 2.0 Manifesto

A video mash-up of the Librarian 2.0 Manifesto by Laura Cohen:

Some of the commentators at YouTube have wondered, condescendingly, what images from the counter-cultural festival Burning Man have to do with libraries. Well, they have a point, although Burning Man is a regular indulgence of Sergey Brin and Larry Page, the two Stanford academics behind Google. And you could make the argument that Google represents the leading edge of Web 2.0 (first dot-com and tech company to succeed in the wake of the dot-com crash), or that Google is the most widely-used information retrieval tool of choice in modern libraries.

However, I think the commentators have a point when they note that in all her points, Cohen does not once mention "reading".

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